Sessions in Rishikesh and Online
Liver is key to metabolic activity and bodies detoxification process. Learn how to cleanse, nourish and keep it healthy with Ayurvedic Herbs. Yakrit in Ayurveda it is the seat of Pitta dosha providing the metabolic fire as bile, cleansing blood, assimilating fats and converting rasa into rakta dhatu. Given its size, sluggishness and blockages in it leads to host of fatty liver, jaundice and cirrhosis.
Timely eating, sizing meals properly exercise coupled with herbs like Aloevera, BhumiAmlaki and Kutki all excellent liver rejuvenation. .
Given livers ability to regenerate it is organ one can easily maintain. Diet, exercise and avoiding excess consumption of alcohols and medicines is the key
Ayuah will help you a evaluate your liver health, with specific diet and lifestyle changes along with specific Ayurvedic herbs. Book am appointment for cleansing and rejuvenation of your liver.